Defending and protecting businesses

Labor relations between employees and employers sometimes give rise to conflicts that can be resolved either through compromise or by a court ruling.

Defense and protection

The application of labor legislation in France is overseen by the URSSAF, the DIRECCTE and the prefectures. Companies can challenge the conclusions of these bodies in order to protect their rights.

Conflicts in labor relations

META-LEGAL positions itself as a trusted partner for employers confronted with conflicts with their employees.

Our “consulting” culture means that we treat each litigious and pre-litigious matter methodically and pragmatically.

We systematically provide an objective assessment of the situation and possible solutions.
In the event of a compromise, we secure the discussions and ensure the effectiveness of the agreement reached.


If an agreement is impossible, our teams and their correspondents intervene throughout France for all types of litigation relating to individual and collective labor relations. We therefore regularly appear before all the civil courts (employment tribunals, judicial courts, administrative courts, and appeal courts), as well as before the criminal courts.

Assistance with URSSAF inspections

Companies are regularly inspected by the URSSAF to ensure the proper application of social security law.

META-LEGAL has developed an inspection assistance service to support clients as soon as they receive an inspection notice.

Whatever the situation, our teams intervene during the inspection to assess the risk, prepare the information to be provided and justify the positions taken by the company from a legal point of view. After the inspection phase, we analyze the inspector’s findings and prepare the company’s arguments in response. Where necessary, we represent clients during a “contestation procedure” before the amicable settlement board (commission de recours amiable) and the courts.

Meta Legal

Requests for authorizations, appeals and rescripts

Companies’ relations with the labor inspection bodies are not limited to inspections. In fact, companies regularly need to contact government authorities and the social security organizations.

META-LEGAL assists clients in appealing decisions by the administrative authorities, either through applications for reconsideration by the same authority (réformation gracieuse) or appeals to a higher authority (réformation hiérarchique).

Our teams also assist in prior authorization request procedures, and in requests for rescripts on labor matters in order to obtain the validation of an unusual practice, or a response to an unprecedented technical issue.

Lastly, with regards to health and working conditions, META-LEGAL helps clients with procedures to challenge findings of occupational accidents and professional diseases, and in their relations with the occupational health authorities.

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